UCR Robotics Documentation


This is a wiki website hosting robotics tutorials and robot documentation. The aim is to provide additional support in robotics education for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of California, Riverside. The involved courses are (including but not limited to)

  • EE144 Introduction to Robotics
  • EE175 Senior Design Project
  • EE245 Advanced Robotics

Besides, we would like to support robotics developers all over the world. We hope this wiki can help you

  • build up basic knowledge in robotics development (e.g., Linux, ROS)
  • understand the design ideas behind robotic systems (e.g., VICON MoCap network)
  • replicate our work and make changes on top of it (e.g., mounting board on TurtleBot)

Current primary point of contact: Hanzhe Teng

Any feature/content request is welcome! You may do so by opening a new issue in the Github repository.

If you would like to contribute to the content, please see how to contribute.